2013m. vykusios varžybos
- Pavadinimas:
- "Estonian FFcup 2013" (Pasaulio taurės etapas) (Atšauktos) (Canseled)
- Kada:
- 2013.04.27 - 2013.04.27
- Kur:
- Madziunai, Lietuva
- Kategorija:
- Laisvo skridimo 2013m. varžybų archyvas
Varžybos atšauktos!
Competition canseled!
Соревнование отменяетса!
Dear friends,
Me and Jyri Roots would like to inform you about the cancellation of two World Cup events, they are as follows: Baltic Cup 2013 and Estonian Free Flight Cup 2013.
The decision to cancel both competitions was made after the evaluation of the flying field and due to a very poor condition of it. Since snow was still only melting a few days before, we cannot expect the field to dry until the start of competitions. At the moment it is impossible to even walk on the field and the situation will deteriorate when the water level of a river in the middle of the field rises in a flood.
Please inform your friends in the case I missed the address, or somebody is decided to come without registration.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Yours sincerely,
Rolandas Mackus
"Estonian FF cup 2013" Pasaulio taurės etapas
Estijos aviamodeliavimo klubas
El. paštas: aavo.koppel@hotmail.com
Organizatoriaus puslapis: http://www.mudellend.eu/
Renginio vieta
- Vieta:
- Paluknio pieva
- Gatvė:
- Maldis
- Pašto indeksas:
- LT-21167
- Miestas/gyvenvietė:
- Madziunai, Lietuva
- Apskritis:
- Trakai
- Šalis:
Madžiūnų kaimas, Trakų rajonas, 37-tas A4 kelio (Vilnius - Varėna - Gardinas) kilometras.
Koordinatės: 54.451870, 24.979051